This is a list of the web sites mentioned in the book.
The CFReDS Project, where the evidence files were located. The table where the link used to be for the hacking case indicates it has been removed. They still have reference images and other useful files. The evidence files can still be found (so far) here. If that is no longer available, please contact me.
The National Institute of Justice Resources
Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement
Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders
Building a Digital Forensic Laboratory: Establishing and Managing a Successful Facility by Andrew Jones and Craig Valli (Syngress 2008)
File System Forensic Analysis by Brian Carrier (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005)
Windows Registry Forensics by Harlan Carvey (Syngress, 2011)
Digital Evidence and Computer Crime by Eoghan Casey (Academic Press, 2011).
Computer Forensics InfoSec Pro Guide by David Cowen (McGraw-Hill, 2013)
Certifying Bodies
The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB)
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiner
Information Assurance Certification Review Board
Tools Testing Sites
The Computer Forensics Tool Testing (CFTT) Project
Marshall University publishes the results of their validation testing.
Collecting Metrics and Data Sharing
The VERIS Framework is excellent for recording data about security incidents. The data can be anonymized and shared with other groups who have a use for this data within the organization or with whom your organization has data sharing relationships.