CEIC 2014: Caesar's Palace Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

CEIC 2014

May 19-22, 2014

The book is officially launching at CEIC this year!  I have several appearances booked for the conference.  First, I am moderating a panel of authors for people who are interested in finding out about our experience with getting our respective books published.  Here are the details:

Panel:  So You Want to Write a Forensics Book


If you have ever entertained the idea of writing a forensics book, here is your chance to talk with some of the published authors who have already done it.  Find out how they were able to get their book deals, what the process of writing was like for each of them, how they assembled their writing team and what they learned from it all.  The authors will share practical tips from their experience with the process and the publishing houses.                                                 


  • Suzanne Widup (moderator), Author of Computer Forensics and Digital Investigation with EnCase Forensic, McGraw-Hill
  • David Cowen, Author of Hacking Exposed: Computer Forensics, Anti Hacker Toolkit 3rd Edition and The Computer Forensics Infosec Pro Guide, McGraw-Hill
  • Joseph Shaw, Author of Unified Communications Forensics, Syngress
  • Warren Kruse, Author of Computer Forensics: Incident Response Essentials, Addison Wesley
  • Heather Mahalik, Co-Author of Practical Mobile Forensics, Packt Publishing.

 This will be held twice during the conference, both times in the Exposition Theater.

May 20th at 5:00 p.m. (during happy hour in the Exhibit Theater--don't forget to bring us authors a drink!)

May 21st at 12:15 p.m.

Also, I am speaking on my team's recent publication--I am a co-author of the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, and I will be presenting our findings for 2014.

May 19th at 4:30 p.m.

One of our panelists, Dave Cowen, has written a blog post about the panel as well.

Stop by and say hello!

If you haven't already registered, save $100 on admission with my code SP14swV Register here: http://www.cvent.com/d/1cqypv/4W